How and why to deduct the remaining stock

Take into account the quantities of remaining stock before performing a new action on a template

Published on 10/21/2022Hind Andaloussi

Templates are a clever way to respond to different reproduction patterns according to business habits.

To answer this, several recurring actions can be taken on the same template.

Note that some of these actions will cause the user to have to increase or decrease his stocks at the end of the journey.

For a more precise follow-up of stocks, it is therefore strongly recommended reducing the quantities of the template of the remaining stocks.

For example :

  • The preparation of the order will lead to the receipt of the goods, which will have the effect of increasing the stocks of items. It is therefore interesting here to deduct the stock of remaining items so as not to end up with an excessively large stock of raw materials. However, pay attention to the delivery dates and times.
  • The revenue generation can also be stored for progressive use (for intermediate revenue) or to spread sales over time. It is therefore advisable here to deduct, if there is any, the remaining stock of receipts so as not to end up with a case of overproduction.

To deduct inventory of remaining items and / or receipts:

  1. Click on the Other actions drop-down menu
  2. Click on the  Deduct quantities in stock action
  3. Click on the Decrease button to validate