How to Schedule Health Control Tasks?

Discover how the different tasks of the health control plan can be scheduled: temperature records, oil records, cleaning tasks, etc.

Published on 12/16/2022Sébastien Vassaux

Schedule recurring tasks to ensure compliance with the rules of the health control plan

Why Schedule Health Control Plan Tasks

Programming the tasks of the health control plan makes it possible to avoid omissions and to encourage action by your operators.

Scheduling a task is like generating a reminder that your operators can seize. They will know what to do and when, and the entry will be accelerated to waste less time. The creation of pre-filled tasks will be handled by our servers at a time chosen in advance. An update might require up to 15 minutes.

The tasks that can be scheduled are:

The execution of the scheduled tasks can be done later and is described on the dedicated pages accessible from the previous links.

How to schedule a task?

To schedule the tasks, it is recommended to have previously configured the storage zones

The list of scheduled tasks is accessible from the Settings -> HACCP tab of the main menu.

To program a task you must:

  1. Click on Create a model via the " + " at the bottom left or the main button of the screen when there is not one yet
  2. Select task type
  3. Select the area to control
  4. Choose the surface or the material concerned
  5. Indicate the products and methods required
  6. Choose the frequency of repetition: also indicate the recurrence, by day or week and, if necessary, the days and times concerned
  7. Indicate the time at which the tasks will be scheduled: so that your operators are notified in time, choose for example a time that precedes the start of the working day. The default time is 3am.
  8. Indicate if the model is active, i.e. if tasks must be generated
  9. Add a comment if needed

The contextual menu of each zone represented by the "  " symbol allows you to:

  • Edit template
  • Delete model

How to run a task

Scheduling tasks is separate from executing them.

Task execution is accessible from the Traceability menu.