The stock transaction view

The stock transaction view lists all the positive (restock) or negative (destock) variations in the stock of a product

Published on 05/19/2023Hind Andaloussi

What are stock transactions?

The stock transaction view is an exhaustive list of all positive (restock) or negative (destock) variations in the stock of an organization's products.

This is a view intended for inventory analysis and adjustment:

  • It contains all the lines of transactions recorded automatically by the application, as well as their nature.
  • We can adjust the levels by creating transaction manually, in order to bring them closer to the real stocks.
  • The cost is automatically calculated according to the nature of the transaction (order, sale, production task, losses) and its value at the time of the transaction.

UsingAdvanced Filtersto filter stock transactions by type of transaction, allows you to analyze the nature of discrepancies, in particular that of losses.

How to create a custom stock transaction?

The list of stock transactions for each product is accessible in the Inventory & stock management tab of the main menu.

In the drop-down header, select the Ingredient / Recipe stock transactions view.

To create a manual transaction, you must:

  1. Click on  Add a stock transaction via the " + " at the bottom left
  2. Select the product and its stock unit
  3. In the modal:
    Select the type of transaction (unsold, breakage, loss in the kitchen, personal meal, etc.)
    Select the nature of the transaction: Destock / Restock
    Enter the quantity concerned by the transaction
    Enter an optional description
  4. Validate by clicking on the  Add button

How to cancel a stock transaction?

Undoing a stock transaction line is to generate a transaction of a reverse nature.

This is technically what happens on the app. The canceled transaction is therefore represented by a new line all the characteristics of which are similar except for the quantity which has the inverse sign value.

To cancel a stock :

  1. In the list of stock transactions
  2. Click on the contextual menu of a line represented by the symbol "  "
  3. Click  Cancel Line
  4. Validate by clicking on  Confirm

Upon confirmation of cancellation:

  • A restock line, whose quantity is positive and displayed in green, appears if the canceled line is a destock.
  • A destock line, whose quantity is negative and displayed in red, appears if the canceled line is a restock.
  • The canceled line is designated by an orange "inverted" icon.