How to turn recipes into a shopping list

Obtain a shopping list from a recipe template to produce

Published on 10/21/2022Hind Andaloussi

Depending on the type of restaurant, the volume of production or the means of supply, an establishment that favors the purchase of raw materials from surrounding traders could decide to provide itself with a shopping list rather than organize a schedule of orders to send to its suppliers.

To simply generate a shopping list, templates are a convenient and easy way to turn recipes into a list of items to buy.

Create a recipe template to produce

The templates are accessible in the Templates tab of the main menu

To create a template you must:

  1. Click on  Create a template via the " + " at the bottom left
  2. Enter the template name
  3. Validate by clicking on the Create button 

Generate a shopping list from template

Calibrate the recipes then extract the items

In the newly created template, you can now list the recipes to be produced for which you want to make supplies.

When this list of recipes is calibrated, i.e. all the quantities are entered:

  1. Click on the Other actions drop-down menu
  2. Click on the Extract action 
  3. In the extraction modal:
    - Select a destination template
    - Or create a destination template (by entering a name then validating), that will be automatically selected
    - Check the option: Extract items from recipes (all items from all the recipes and sub-recipes will be extracted)
    - You can also:
    Empty the destination template which contains x elements: the destination of the extraction, ie. another template, will be emptied before receiving the content of the extraction. This option can remain unchecked to cumulate several successive extractions in a model.
    Remove the products from the initial template: the articles and recipes present in the initial template will be deleted after extraction.
  4. Click on the Extract button to validate

Upon validation, the user is automatically redirected to the template containing the extraction.

Generate the shopping list

In this new template containing only the articles resulting from the checkout:

  1. Click on the Other actions drop-down menu
  2. Click on the Export list action 
  3. Select the PDF option
  4. Click on the Export button to obtain the race list to print.