How to configure the storage areas?

Define food storage areas and criteria

Published on 12/03/2021Hind Andaloussi

Setting up storage areas contributes to better inventory management and ensuring their proper conservation

The storage areas are accessible in the Settings tab of the main menu, section Storage areas

To create a new area you must:

  1. Click on Create a storage area via the " + " at the bottom left
  2. Enter the name of the zone
  3. Enter the default zone temperature in ° C
  4. Enter the warning temperature variation of the zone in ° C
    Option that allows you to notify the user, if during a reading, the temperature variation exceeds the defined threshold
  5. Validate by clicking on the Create button

The contextual menu of each zone represented by the symbol "  " makes it possible to:

  • Modify the information of a zone
  • Reading the temperature of a zone
  • Delete a zone