How to repeat recurring actions on a template

Purchasing, production, printing ... use templates to do repetitive actions on a list of products

Published on 10/21/2022Hind Andaloussi

Templates are used to create lists of products for recurring actions such as: producing, printing, ordering, selling ...

In what context do we take a recurring action?

As the name suggests, the template is a nifty way to address different breeding patterns.

It is therefore very concretely:

  • A selection of products;
  • which we want to make a template;
  • to initiate recurring actions.

We have previously seen different "business" uses of the template, at least those which are most generally subject to repetitive actions.

It should therefore be remembered that once the template is created, and that it is supplied with recipes (or more rarely with articles), all that remains is to calibrate the products before each operation.

That is to say, enter the quantities that we are going to handle.

What are the possible recurring actions?

From the template, several recurring operations are accessible via the other actions drop-down menu :

  • Prepare orders
    To generate orders by supplier in the order module
  • Print receipts
    To print production vouchers, commissary vouchers or even the dispatch of products
  • Extract
    To obtain a new list listing all the by-products from the list
  • Plan production
    To plan products as tasks in the production module
  • Destock products
    To deduct the products on the list from stocks
  • Store the products
    To increase the stocks of the products on the list
  • Decrease each line of the remaining stock
    To deduct the quantities in stock before taking another action
  • Add to sales
    Offer the products for sale by sending them to the sales module
  • Export the list
    To obtain the list in Excel or PDF format and share it with a third party